Dr. Gozde Durmus's research focuses on applying micro/nano-technologies to investigate cellular heterogeneity for single-cell analysis and personalized medicine. At Stanford, she is developing platform technologies for sorting and monitoring cells at the single-cell resolution. This magnetic levitation-based technology is used for wide range of applications in medicine, such as, label-free detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) from blood; high-throughput drug screening; and rapid detection and monitoring of antibiotic resistance in real-time. During her PhD, she engineered nanoparticles and nanostructured surfaces to decrease antibiotic-resistant infections.
Dr. Durmus's research lies at the interface of biology, engineering, nanotechnology, and medicine. Her group develops and applies translational micro/nanotechnologies to study cellular heterogeneity and complex biological systems for single cell analysis and precision medicine. At this unique nexus, they apply key biological principles to design engineering platforms. Dr. Durmus's research philosophy is to apply these platforms to fundamentally understand and address the mechanisms of disease (i.e., cancer, infections).
Dr. Durmus's passion is to bridge the gap between biology, engineering and nanotechnology; to develop simple, inexpensive, easy-to-use, yet, broadly applicable platforms that will change the way in which medicine is practiced as well as how patients are monitored, diagnosed and treated for precision medicine.