Headshot portrait of Grace Adebogun - Bio-X Undergraduate Fellow
2023 Undergraduate Summer Research Program Participant

Home Department: Human Biology
Mentor: Jason Yeatman (Pediatrics, Education, and Psychology)

“Exploring Various Aspects of the Multi-Element Processing Task in Relation to Reading Ability - A Cross-Sectional Study”

Grace aims to explore the relationship between visual processing abilities and reading skills in children. Previous studies have shown a correlation between letter identification and reading ability. The team at the Yeatman lab plans to build on this finding by developing a language-agnostic dyslexia screener using a multi-element processing task using an eye-tracker. By studying how children (aged 5-12) process different visual elements, the researchers hope to gain insights into the neural mechanisms underlying reading and reading disabilities. The findings can contribute to the development of evidence-based educational interventions for children with reading disabilities, ultimately promoting literacy and supporting children’s learning and development.