Headshot portrait of Isaac Cinquini - Bio-X Undergraduate Fellow
2017 Undergraduate Summer Research Program Participant

Home Department: Computer Science
Supported by: Anonymous Donor
Mentor: Alistair Boettiger, Developmental Biology

The expression state of a gene is determined by the interaction of regulatory sequences distributed along the chromosome. The packaging of the chromosome in the three-dimensional volume of the cell’s nucleus places constraints on this communication, and thus understanding the spatial organization of the genome is key to understanding gene expression. Zack will extend existing super-resolution microscopy techniques to study these interactions in single cells with substantially finer spatial and genomic resolution than achievable with current technology.

Poster presented at the Stanford Bio-X Interdisciplinary Initiatives Symposium on August 24, 2017:

Optimizing Super-Resolution Microscopy to Visualize Chromatin Conformation of Cis-Regulatory Elements During Development

Zack Cinquini1, Leslie Mateo2, Alistair Boettiger2
[Departments of Computer Science1 and Developmental Biology2, Stanford University]