Home Department: Human Biology
Supported by: Bio-X Program
Mentor: Marius Wernig, Assistant Professor of Pathology
John proudly hails from the great Mountain West. At Stanford, he studies human biology with a focus in developmental biology. He has also enjoyed exploring the humanities studying Buddhism while traveling abroad, pursuing an art minor, and in the Structured Liberal Education program. He is not yet sure where these paths will intersect, but he is also not too worried about that just yet. In the Wernig lab, he is learning how to keep cells happy, reprogram them, and then make sure they are still happy. He is thrilled to be working on potential iPS-derived treatments for epidermolysis bullosa and sickle cell disease.
Poster presented at the Stanford Bio-X Interdisciplinary Initiatives Symposium on August 17, 2011:
Gene Targeting and Characterization of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Derived From Patients Affected By Epidermolysis Bullosa
John Hawkins1, Bahareh Derafshi2, Vittorio Sebastiano3, Marius Wernig4
[Departments of Human Biology1, Stem Cell Biology2, Obstetrics & Gynecology3, and Pathology4; Stanford University]