Headshot portrait of Jon Stingel - Paul Berg Interdisciplinary Biomedical Graduate Fellow
Bio-X SIGF Graduate Student Fellow

Awarded in 2020
Home Department: Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisors: Scott Delp (Bioengineering and Mechanical Engineering) and Maarten Lansberg (Neurology & Neurological Sciences)

Research Title: Elucidating Energy Expenditure During Human Movement

Research Description: Simulations can be used to efficiently design assistive devices aimed at improving mobility in patients who have lost it. Devices are often evaluated based on the amount of energy the user expends while using them, but current models of energy expenditure lack accuracy. Jon will focus on studying muscle energy expenditure and how it can be influenced by assistive devices to improve mobility, and will collaborate with clinicians, engineers, and roboticists to develop models of muscle energy expenditure and apply them in simulation for stroke patients.