Headshot portrait of Joseph Garner - Associate Professor of Comparative Medicine and (by courtesy) of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

The Garner lab uses an integrated interdisciplinary approach, best described as developmental neuroethology, to address issues in human and animal well-being. The lab has a particular focus on two closely related issues:

  1. Developing methods and underlying psychobiological principles to predict and prevent abnormal behavior (in animals) and mental disorder (in humans).
  2. Identifying the general reasons why animal models often fail to predict human outcomes, and providing solutions to improve the efficacy and well-being of animal models.

Both these issues reflect the interface between animal-based medical research, and animal well-being. The medical research community has long recognized that “good well-being is good science” – the lab’s work is directed at exploring this interface, while providing tangible deliverables for the well-being of human patients and research animals.