Home Department: Bioengineering
Mentor: Scott Delp (Bioengineering and Mechanical Engineering)
“Using Machine Learning to Assess Knee Injury Risk from Video”
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are common, particularly during adolescence (Thompson et al. 2017). These traumatic injuries often require surgery and extensive rehabilitation and increase the likelihood of developing knee osteoarthritis. High knee valgus moment during a jump-landing is related to an increased risk of ACL injury (Thompson et al. 2017). Measuring the valgus moment requires force plates and motion capture, limiting its accessibility. Kaleigh’s work will use data from Lucile Packard Children’s hospital containing simultaneous 2D-video and motion capture of young athletes performing a jump-landing to train a machine learning model that predicts knee valgus moment using only 2D-video.