Awarded in 2020
Home Department: Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisors: Ellen Kuhl (Mechanical Engineering) and Miriam Goodman (Molecular & Cellular Physiology)
Research Title: Predicting Failure Thresholds in Traumatic Brain Injury Using Anatomically Accurate, Ultrahigh Resolution Axon Models
Research Description: Axon damage is a characteristic feature of traumatic brain injury and is associated with poor outcomes. Computational models have been successfully used to study axon damage, but these models focus exclusively on the passive cytoskeleton of axons in complete isolation. Additional recent experiments show that interactions between cytoskeletal components generate active tension and play a major protective role. Using a combined in vivo/in vitro/in silico approach that leverages both neurobiology and mechanics, Lucy will study the active interplay between cytoskeletal elements and develop a new computational model to predict injury thresholds for axons that will inform safety thresholds in traumatic brain injury.
Lucy is working as a product design FEA engineer at Apple.