Headshot portrait of Manuel Rausch - Affymetrix Bio-X Fellow
Bio-X SIGF Graduate Student Fellow

Awarded in 2012
Home Department: Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisors: Ellen Kuhl (Mechanical Engineering) and D. Craig Miller (Medicine)

Research Title: Mechanics of the mitral valve - An in vivo/in silico approach

Research Description: Cardiovascular disease has been and will be one of the most devastating health conditions in the USA and around the world. Being trained as a mechanical engineer, Manuel used engineering methods to understand the physiology and pathology of the heart and its surrounding tissues. He cared particularly about the structure function relationship of cardiovascular soft tissues that he studied in vitro, in vivo, and in silico. His goal was to translate information gained from these experiments into meaningful knowledge that he hoped would ultimately advance medical procedures and devices related to cardiovascular disease.


Manuel is an Associate Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics at University of Texas at Austin. Manuel has received the American Heart Association Career Development Award, the Moncrief Grand Challenge Award, the NSF Career Award, and the Cockrell School of Engineering Award for Outstanding Engineering Teaching by an Assistant Professor.