Bio-X Affiliated Faculty
Dr. Inma Cobos is a neuropathologist and neuroscientist with expertise in neurodegeneration. Her research program combines her background in diagnostic neuropathology, knowledge of developmental neuroscience, and state-of-the-art cellular and molecular technologies to advance the understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. She is currently applying single-cell methods to human brain to dissect the contributions of distinct cell types to Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis and investigate the mechanisms of tau-mediated neurodegeneration in human brain.
Dr. Inma Cobos's lab uses cellular and molecular methods, single-cell technology, and quantitative histology to study human neurodegenerative diseases. Current projects include:
- Using single-cell RNA-sequencing to understand selective vulnerability and disease progression in human Alzheimer’s disease brain
- Investigating mechanisms of tau-related neurodegeneration in human brain
- Studying the neocortical and limbic systems in Diffuse Lewy Body Disease (DLBD) at the single cell level