Headshot portrait of Maxwell Melin - Bio-X Undergraduate Fellow
2017 Undergraduate Summer Research Program Participant

Home Department: Biology
Supported by: Bio-X
Mentor: Thomas Südhof, Molecular & Cellular Physiology

Essential tremor is the most common movement disorder, but our understanding of this disease is still very primitive. Max’s project seeks to locate the brain region(s) responsible for the tremor phenotype in mouse models lacking the synaptotagmin 2 protein. He is utilizing several neuroscience techniques, including rodent surgery, cryosection, microscopy, and behavioral testing.

Poster presented at the Stanford Bio-X Interdisciplinary Initiatives Symposium on August 24, 2017:

Localizing Origins of the Essential Tremor Phenotype in a Novel Mouse Model

Max Melin1, Mu Zhou1, Thomas C. Sudhof1,2,3
[Departments of Molecular & Cellular Physiology1, Neurology2, and Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences3, Stanford University]