Headshot portrait of Michael Jin - Bio-X Undergraduate Fellow
2014 Undergraduate Summer Research Program Participant

Home Department: Biology
Supported by: Dean of Research
Mentor: Laura Attardi, Radiation Oncology

Michael's research in Dr. Attardi's lab focuses on elucidating pathways through which the protein p53 regulates tumor suppression. Specifically, he is interested in the role that Pard6g, a known regulator of cellular polarity, plays in mediating p53 tumor suppressor function.

Poster presented at the Stanford Bio-X Interdisciplinary Initiatives Symposium on August 27, 2014:

Assessing the Role of the p53 Target Gene, Pard6g, in Tumor Suppression

Michael Jin1, Kathryn Bieging1, Laura Attardi1
[Department of Radiation Oncology1, Stanford University]