Dr. Nathan Reticker-Flynn is a Biomedical Engineer and tumor immunologist working at the interfaces of cancer metastasis, tumor evolution, adaptive immunity, and immuno-oncology. His work employs mouse models and systems biology and genetic engineering to investigate interactions between tumors and the immune system during cancer metastasis. He performed his PhD work in Biomedical Engineering with Dr. Sangeeta Bhatia at MIT where he studied glycobiology and ECM interactions during cancer metastasis and his postdoctoral studies with Dr. Edgar Engleman at Stanford where he studied systemic immune responses during metastatic progression and in the context of immunotherapy.
The Reticker-Flynn lab employs animal models, synthetic biology, and systems approaches to build an understanding of the tolerance mechanisms and coevolutionary dynamics underpinning tumor-immune interactions during metastasis and use insights gleaned from these studies to develop novel technologies and engineered therapies for the treatment of metastatic disease and immunological disorders.