Dr. Harris's research focuses on Rehabilitation of the Neuro-Axis and specific focus on precision care and management of sub populations.
The goal of the Neuro-Rehabilitation Lab is to improve the lives of those who suffer from injuries to the neuro-axis. The lab is integrated with the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (DVBIC) and Department of Rehabilitation at the VA Palo Alto and therefore spans the entire neural axis; traumatic brain, spinal cord and visual injury. They access longitudinal and continuous epidemiologic data as primary tools to focus on relevant functional outcomes that help Veterans, military personnel and civilians reintegrate into society after acute injury. Advanced neuroimaging, biomarker and computerized cognitive assessments are utilized to diagnose and manage injuries and their related symptoms. Using various innovative interventions such as, neuromodulation, complimentary alternative medicine and cognitive rehabilitation, the lab develops treatment strategies for health problems frequently reported in the neuro-axis injured populations. Current projects in such populations include large multi-site longitudinal assessment, neuroimaging and neuromodulation studies funded by DOD, VA and NIH. Additionally, they utilize their active clinical practice at the VA Palo Alto and Stanford Neurosurgery Department to translate their neuroscience-driven research methodologies into these clinical settings for targeted and accurate medical care.