Home Department: undeclared
Mentor: Daniel Palanker (Ophthalmology)
“Optimization Of The 3-Dimensional Implants for Highest Prosthetic Acuity in Human Retinal Geometry”
Retinal degenerative diseases are the leading cause of untreatable visual impairment associated with the loss of photoreceptors. Since, in these conditions, the inner retinal neural network remains largely intact, electronic photoreceptors, in the form of a photovoltaic subretinal implant, have been developed to reintroduce visual information by electrical stimulation of the inner retinal neurons. Vladmir’s project will involve the design of structures mimicking the subretinal tissue around the implant and fabrication of the implants using rapid prototyping tool Nanoscribe. He will also evaluate spatial resolution with retinal implants in vivo in rats using electrophysiology and tissue assessment by immunohistochemistry.