Over 1,300 faculty are affiliated with Stanford Bio-X and are eligible to apply for our grants and be notified about fundraising opportunities, collaborations with industries, events, courses and available facilities and instruments. Learn how to become an affiliate!

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Outdoor headshot photo of a smiling white female faculty member, Dr. Ivana Maric, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Stanford University.

Ivana Maric - Assistant Professor (Research) of Pediatrics (Neonatology)

Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

Dr. Ivana Maric is an Assistant Professor in the Pediatrics Department at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Her research focuses on applying machine learning to improving maternal and neonatal health. Her main focus has been on developing machine learning models for early prediction of adverse outcomes of pregnancy from omics and electronic health records data, that could guide development of low-cost, point of care diagnostic tools. Her main interest is in solutions that are applicable worldwide and especially in low-resource settings.

Outdoor headshot photo of a smiling white female faculty member, Dr. Vivian Feig, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University.

Vivian Feig - Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

Dr. Vivian Feig is an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering department, beginning March 2024. The Feig lab aims to develop low-cost, noninvasive, and widely-accessible medical technologies that integrate seamlessly with the human body. They accomplish this by developing functional materials and devices with dynamic mechanical properties, leveraging chemistry and physics insights to engineer novel systems at multiple length scales.

Indoor headshot photo of a smiling Southeast Asian faculty member, Dr. Ashwin Ramayya, Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at Stanford University.

Ashwin Ramayya - Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery

Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

Dr. Ashwin Ramayya is an assistant professor in the Department of Neurosurgery. He specializes in the treatment of patients with chronic pain, movement disorders, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injury. His research program will focus on understanding brain mechanisms underlying pain experience and how to alleviate pain using brain stimulation.

Outdoor headshot photo of a smiling female faculty member, Dr. Gabrielle Wong-Parodi, Assistant Professor of Earth System Science at Stanford University.

Gabrielle Wong-Parodi - Assistant Professor of Earth System Science, Center Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment and Assistant Professor at the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability

Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

Dr. Gabrielle Wong-Parodi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth System Science and Center Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University. She is an interdisciplinary social scientist, theoretically grounded in psychology and decision science, who seeks to understand (1) how people make decisions to address the impacts of climate change, and (2) how robust interventions can empower them to make decisions that serve their lives, communities, and society. Her work focuses on frontline communities who experience the "first and worst" of climate change.

Outdoor headshot photo of a smiling female faculty member, Dr. Maya Mathur, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine at Stanford University.

Maya Mathur - Assistant Professor (Research) of Pediatrics, Medicine (Biomedical Informatics), and (by courtesy) of Epidemiology & Population Health

Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

Dr. Maya Mathur is an Assistant Professor at the Stanford University Quantitative Sciences Unit, the principal investigator of the Humane & Sustainable Food Lab, and the Associate Director of the Stanford Center for Open and Reproducible Science. Dr. Mathur is a statistician whose methodological research focuses on advancing methods for causal inference, meta-analysis, replication studies, and sensitivity analysis. Her lab’s empirical research focuses on effective means to reduce global consumption of meat and animal products.

Indoor headshot photo of a smiling white male faculty member, Dr. Ronald Hanson, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University.

Ronald Hanson - Clarence J. & Patricia R. Woodard Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

Professor Ronald Hanson has been an international leader in the development of laser-based diagnostic methods for combustion and propulsion, and in the development of modern shock tube methods for accurate determination of chemical reaction rate parameters needed for modeling combustion and propulsion systems. He and his students have made several pioneering contributions that have impacted the pace of propulsion research and development worldwide.

Outdoor headshot photo of a smiling Black female faculty member, Dr. Debbie Senesky, Associate Professor of Aeronautics & Astronautics and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University.

Debbie Senesky - Associate Professor of Aeronautics & Astronautics and of Electrical Engineering and Senior Fellow at the Precourt Institute for Energy

Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

Dr. Debbie G. Senesky is an Associate Professor at Stanford University in the Aeronautics and Astronautics Department and the Electrical Engineering Department. In addition, she is the Principal Investigator of the EXtreme Environment Microsystems Laboratory (XLab). Her research interests include the development of nanomaterials for extreme harsh environments, high-temperature electronics for Venus exploration, and microgravity synthesis of nanomaterials. In the past, she has held positions at GE Sensing (formerly known as NovaSensor), GE Global Research Center, and Hewlett Packard.
