Over 1,300 faculty are affiliated with Stanford Bio-X and are eligible to apply for our grants and be notified about fundraising opportunities, collaborations with industries, events, courses and available facilities and instruments. Learn how to become an affiliate!

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Outdoor headshot photo of a smiling female faculty member, Dr. Jade Benjamin-Chung, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at Stanford University.

Jade Benjamin-Chung - Assistant Professor of Epidemiology & Population Health

Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

Dr. Jade Benjamin-Chung, PhD MPH, is an Assistant Professor at Stanford University in the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health and Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator. Her group conducts research to identify interventions to control, eliminate, or eradicate environmentally-transmitted infectious diseases, including malaria, diarrhea, soil-transmitted helminths, and influenza.

Headshot photo of a smiling Asian male faculty member, Dr. Brian Hie, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Stanford University.

Brian Hie - Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering

Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

Dr. Brian Hie is an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering and Data Science at Stanford University, and an Innovation Investigator at Arc Institute. Dr. Hie supervises the Laboratory of Evolutionary Design, which conducts research at the intersection of biology and machine learning.

Dr. Hie was previously a Stanford Science Fellow in the Stanford University School of Medicine and a Visiting Researcher at Meta AI. He completed his Ph.D. at MIT CSAIL and was an undergraduate at Stanford University. Dr. He has also previously worked at Google X, Illumina, and Salesforce.

Headshot photo of a smiling female faculty member with long dark hair, Dr. Roxana Daneshjou, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Data Science and Dermatology at Stanford University.

Roxana Daneshjou - Assistant Professor of Biomedical Data Science and of Dermatology

Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

Dr. Roxana Daneshjou studied Bioengineering at Rice University before matriculating to Stanford School of Medicine where she completed her MD and a PhD in Genetics with Dr. Russ Altman as part of the medical scientist training program. She completed dermatology residency at Stanford as part of the research track and completed a postdoc in Biomedical Data Science with Dr. James Zou.

Headshot photo of a smiling white male faculty member, Dr. Jonathan Klein, Professor of Pediatrics at Stanford University.

Jonathan Klein - Marron & Mary Elizabeth Kendrick Professor of Pediatrics

Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

Dr. Jonathan Klein's research interests include preventive services, confidentiality, access to care, youth development, tobacco control, and the translation of research into clinical and public health practice and global child health policy. Current projects address engagement of clinical leaders in countries and communities in health care delivery improvement, accountability measurement, and advocacy for adolescent health, comprehensive sexuality education, and non-communicable disease prevention.

Headshot photo of a smiling Asian male faculty member, Dr. Paul Chang, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Stanford University.

Paul Cheng - Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine)

Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

Dr. Paul Cheng is a Cardiologist at Stanford University School of Medicine in the Department of Medicine and a member of the Cardiovascular Research Institute. Dr. Cheng received his BEng in Chemical Engineering and BSc in biology at MIT. He subsequently completed his MD/PhD at UCSF working in the Srivastava lab studying how extracellular morphogenic signals affect cardiac development and fate determination of cardiac progenitors. Dr. Cheng completed internal medicine residency and cardiology fellowship at Stanford. His current clinical focus is in amyloidosis and cardio-oncology.

Headshot photo of smiling Asian female faculty member, Dr. Xuejun Gu, Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology at Stanford University.

Xuejun Gu - Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology (Medical Physics)

Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

Dr. Xuejun Gu is Associate Professor and Director of Translational Research of Radiation Oncology Department at Stanford University. Dr. Gu's research has been focused on artificial intelligence in medicine, medical imaging and image analysis, and treatment planning. With the research emphasizing on clinical application, she has made unique and significant contributions to translating home-developed software platforms into the clinic and pre-clinic. Dr.

Outdoor headshot photo of a smiling white male faculty member, Dr. Sean Quirin, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University.

Sean Quirin - Assistant Professor (Research) of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences (Major Laboratories and Clinical & Translational Neurosciences Incubator)

Bio-X Affiliated Faculty
Dr. Sean Quirin's laboratory develops minimally invasive methods to explore the causal role individual neurons play in the emergence of behavior. To this end, the lab's strength is the development of in vivo techniques which manipulate light to both detect and restoratively modulate brain activity down to the single-neuron scale. 
Indoor headshot photo of a smiling Asian female faculty member, Dr. Han Zhu, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Stanford University.

Han Zhu - Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine)

Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

Dr. Han Zhu is an Assistant Professor of Medicine whose clinical and research expertise focuses on cardio-oncology and cardio-immunology. She specializes in the cardiovascular care of patients undergoing therapies for cancer, with a particular focus on the effects of immunotherapies on the heart. She received a bioengineering degree from MIT, medical degree from Case Western Reserve University, and completed clinical cardiology fellowship and internal medicine residency training at Stanford University School of Medicine. Dr.

Headshot photo of a smiling Black male faculty member, Dr. Westley Phillips, Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at Stanford University.

H. Westley Phillips - Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery (Pediatric Neurosurgery)

Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

The Phillips Pediatric Research and Innovations in the Molecular Genetics of Epilepsy (P2RIME) laboratory studies the molecular biology of the human brain and the impact of somatic mutations on neurologic diseases with a focus on the genetics underpinnings of epilepsy.

Dr. H. Westley Phillips is an Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery. Dr. Phillips specializes in pediatric neurosurgery and directs a research program focused on pediatric epilepsy.
