June 27
Alejandro Sweet-Cordero (Pediatrics)
Functional analysis of the EWS/FLI-1 translocation
Ian Gotlib (Psychology)
Understanding and reducing risk for depression
Anthony Oro (Dermatology)
Definitive genetic therapies for skin diseases [SUNet login required]
Renee Reijo Pera (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Fertilized egg to embryo: The first five days of human development
July 6
Philip Beachy (Biochemistry)
Hedgehog signaling in development, disease, and regeneration
Virginia Walbot (Biology)
Origin of meiotic cells in plants [SUNet login required]
May Han (Neurology)
Multiple sclerosis and brain autoimmunity
Alexander Dunn (Chemical Engineering)
The cell as machine: Understanding how cells detect and respond to mechanical information
July 11
Gerald Crabtree (Pathology)
Engineering mice to study chromatin in vivo
Stefan Heller (Otolaryngology)
How our senses of hearing and balance work and what happens when they don't work
James Gross (Psychology)
Paul Khavari (Dermatology)
Genomic reprogramming in stem cell differentiation and cancer [SUNet login required]
July 18
Anne Brunet (Genetics)
Regulation of aging and longevity
Sharon Pitteri (Radiology)
New strategies for the imaging of cancer
Michael Hsieh (Urology)
Studying an ancient enemy with 21st century tools: Vanquishing the world's deadliest worm
Marius Wernig (Pathology)
Direct conversion of skin cells to neurons
July 25
Calvin Kuo (Medicine)
In vitro modeling of the gastrointestinal tract
Stephen Montgomery (Pathology)
The genetics of gene expression [SUNet login required]
C. Andrew Bonham (Surgery)
Transplantation of intestinal stem cells
M. Bruce MacIver (Anesthesia)
The time-course of synaptic inhibition in human vs rat brain circuits
August 1
Robert Chang (Ophthalmology)
Peristat online visual field screening for glaucoma
Michelle Monje-Deisseroth (Neurology)
Miriam Goodman (Molecular and Cellular Physiology)
Karen Parker (Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)
The role of oxytocin biology in the social impairments of autism [SUNet login required]
August 8
Karl Deisseroth (Bioengineering)
Optogenetics: Development and application
Mary Teruel (Chemical and Systems Biology)
Laura Attardi (Radiation Oncology)
Deconstructing p53 pathways in vivo using mouse models
Allan Reiss (Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)
August 15
Anthony Norcia (Psychology)
Using EEG to image the dynamics of human vision
Steven Block (Applied Physics)
Optical tweezers: Biophysics, one molecule at a time
Josh Elias (Chemical and Systems Biology)
Measuring dynamic proteomes with quantitative mass spectrometry
Drew Nelson (Mechanical Engineering)
Fatigue and residual stresses in bones and arteries
August 22
Scott Delp (Bioengineering)
Dynamics of walking and running
Olivia Martinez (Surgery)
Challenges and opportunities for the future in transplant immunology
Russ Altman (Bioengineering)
Understanding the interaction of genes and drugs
Julie Theriot (Biochemistry)
Life on the inside: Secrets of bacterial pathogens [SUNet login required]
August 29
Dean Felsher (Medicine)
Modeling and predicting therapeutic efficacy of cancer treatments
Justin du Bois (Chemistry)
Turning toxins into tools for ion channel studies
Yanmin Yang (Neurology)
Calcium tips the balance [SUNet login required]