Headshot portrait of Manpreet Singh - Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science (Child and Adolescent)
Bio-X Affiliated Faculty

Dr. Singh’s experimental research investigates the developmental psychopathology, pathophysiology, and treatment of pediatric mood disorders, as well as methods to protect and preserve function before and after the onset of depression or mania. Using an integration of clinical, neuroimaging, genetic, and neuroendocrine tools, her research program aims to explore the complex risk factors associated with the development of serious mood disorders in children and adolescents. Dr. Singh and her collaborators have also been actively exploring pharmacological and psychotherapeutic methods of treating mood symptoms associated with and leading up to these disorders in youth. In collaboration with University of Colorado at Boulder and UCLA, she is currently examining the benefits of a combination of family focused psychotherapy with medication in youth offspring of parents with bipolar disorder to reduce mood symptoms and family stress. In addition, she and her group have been actively conducting studies examining the neuroimaging effects pharmacological and psychosocial interventions – specifically exploring whether such interventions can reduce limbic hyperactivity and increase prefrontal cognitive control. These areas of research hold considerable promise to significantly impact our understanding of the core mechanisms, endophenotypes, and early interventions for pediatric onset mood disorders. Dr. Singh was awarded an NIMH-K23 career development award integrating innovative neuroimaging techniques and mechanisms of emotion regulation to understand the neurodevelopment of bipolar disorder. She is involved in teaching, training residents, clinical fellows, post-doctoral research fellows, undergraduate, graduate, and medical students.