![Headshot portrait of Andrew Lee - Bio-X Bowes Fellow](https://biox.stanford.edu/files/styles/profile_thumbnail/public/andrew_lee_2010.webp?orig=png)
Awarded in 2010
Home Department: Chemical & Systems Biology
Faculty Advisors: Joseph Wu (Radiology, Medicine), Paul Wender (Chemistry), and Sanjiv Gambhir (Radiology, Bioengineering)
Research Title: A novel pro-survival cocktail for stem cell engraftment in treatment of myocardial infarction
Research Description: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death in the Western world and is responsible for 1 out of every 5 deaths in America. Stem cell therapy is a novel method of treating CAD through the replacement of injured myocardium with healthy cells capable of restoring contractility to the heart. While initial clinical trials for this therapy have shown some short-term restoration of function, beneficial results have rarely persisted due to donor cell death. Andrew aimed to improve donor cell engraftment in the ischemic heart through the development of a pro-survival nanoparticle-molecular transporter complex.
Andrew is the founder and managing director of the StartX-QB3 joint technology venture, a co-founder of StartX Med, and also a co-founder of the biotech spin-out startup, Stem Cell Theranostics.