Awarded in 2020
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Faculty Advisors: Nicholas Melosh (Materials Science & Engineering) and Geoffrey Gurtner (Sugery – Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery)
Research Title: Development of Next Generation Peripheral Nerve Interfaces
Research Description: The trade-off between the invasiveness and longevity of peripheral nerve interfaces has long prohibited the development of next-generation neuroprostheses. With recent advances in semiconductor processing, it is now possible to fabricate and insert biomimetic electrodes that are the same size as natural axons. With this capability, these electrodes may be able to seamlessly integrate into the nerve in an unprecedented way. Using nanofabrication, electrophysiology and next-generation molecular analysis, Eric will investigate and optimize the interaction at the abiotic/biotic interface between the biomimetic electrode and the biological axons.
Eric is currently a Croucher Foundation Fellow at Stanford University with Professor Zhenan Bao in Chemical Engineering and Professor Julia Kaltschmidt in Neurosurgery.