Headshot portrait of Orly Liba - Bio-X Bowes Fellow
Bio-X Graduate Student Fellow

Awarded in 2014
Home Department: Electrical Engineering
photo of Orly Liba in the laboratory Faculty Advisors: Adam de la Zerda (Structural Biology) and Sanjiv Sam Gambhir (Radiology)

Research Title: A new in vivo molecular imaging technology with single cell resolution based on optical coherence tomography

Research Description: Orly is developing a new molecular imaging technology that will enable visualizing cell-to-cell interactions and the cell microenvironment in living subjects. The project, named MOZART, is based on optical coherence tomography, nanoparticles, and novel reconstruction algorithms that together will allow molecular characterization of every cell in real-time. As an example, this technology can be used to study tumor heterogeneity and drug resistance of cancer.


Orly works at YouTube as a staff research scientist developing video generation algorithms.