Headshot portrait of Suhaas Anbazhakan - Bio-X Bowes Fellow
Bio-X Graduate Student Fellow

Awarded in 2018
Home Department: Bioengineering
Faculty Advisors: Alison Marsden (Pediatrics and Bioengineering) and Kristy Red-Horse (Biology)

Research Title: Computational investigations of coronary artery growth mechanisms during embryonic heart development

Research Description: Understanding arterial regeneration may provide novel therapeutic approaches to perfuse ischemic tissue caused by coronary artery disease.  Photo of graduate student Suhaas Anbazhakan in the lab, operating a computer displaying a cell image in purple.By combining the expertise of computational blood flow simulations from the Marsden lab and experimental imaging in animal models from the Red-Horse lab, Suhaas will tackle important outstanding questions in cardiovascular biology, including quantifying the interplay of hemodynamic forces and transcription factors that are involved in coronary artery growth during embryonic development in the mouse model.  The results from this project will provide novel scientific contributions to the field of cardiovascular development and disease.  


Suhaas is a data scientist at Physcade, a medtech startup.