Promising PhD students nominate themselves for awards that allow them to work on projects that they have a passion for pursuing and which bridge the gap between biology and other fields.  Explore our annual Fellows Symposiums and learn about the Fellowship program!

Search Stanford Bio-X Fellows View the 2023 Fellowship Brochure

Headshot portrait of Daniel Kim - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

Daniel Kim - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

Bio-X Graduate Student Fellow
Awarded in 2015
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics, Medicine
Faculty Advisors: Anshul Kundaje (Genetics, Computer Science), Paul Khavari (Dermatology), Will Greenleaf (Genetics), Howard Chang (Dermatology), and Michael Snyder (Genetics)
Headshot portrait of Ivan Ivanov - Tusher Family Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellow

Ivan Ivanov - Tusher Family Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellow

Bio-X SIGF Graduate Student Fellow
Awarded in 2015
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Faculty Advisors: Zev Bryant (Bioengineering), Andrew Spakowitz (Chemical Engineering), Chaitan Khosla (Chemistry, Chemical Engineering), W. E. Moerner (Chemistry), and Adam de la Zerda (Structural Biology)
Headshot portrait of Brian Hsueh - Bruce and Elizabeth Dunlevie Fellow

Brian Hsueh - Bruce and Elizabeth Dunlevie Fellow

Bio-X SIGF Graduate Student Fellow
Awarded in 2015
Home Department: Neurosciences, MSTP
Faculty Advisors: Karl Deisseroth (Bioengineering, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences), Seung Kim (Developmental Biology), Krishna Shenoy (Electrical Engineering), and David Lyons (Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
Headshot portrait of Peyton Greenside - Morgridge Family SIGF Fellow

Peyton Greenside - Morgridge Family SIGF Fellow

Bio-X SIGF Graduate Student Fellow
Awarded in 2015
Home Department: Biomedical Informatics
Faculty Advisors: Anshul Kundaje (Genetics, Computer Science), Thomas Quertermous (Cardiovascular Medicine)
Headshot portrait of Nir Even-Chen - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

Nir Even-Chen - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

Bio-X Graduate Student Fellow
Awarded in 2015
Home Department: Electrical Engineering
Faculty Advisors: Krishna Shenoy (Electrical Engineering) and Kwabena Boahen (Bioengineering)
Headshot portrait of Jasmine Dickinson Kaslow- Bio-X Honorary Fellow

Jasmine Dickinson Kaslow- Bio-X Honorary Fellow

Bio-X Graduate Student Fellow
Awarded in 2015
Home Department: Biology
Faculty Advisors: Gregory Scherrer (Anesthesiology, Perioperative & Pain Medicine, Neurosurgery) and Mark Schnitzer (Biology, Applied Physics)
Headshot portrait of Anna Cunningham - Morgridge Family SIGF Fellow

Anna Cunningham - Morgridge Family SIGF Fellow

Bio-X SIGF Graduate Student Fellow
Awarded in 2015
Home Department: Chemical & Systems Biology
Faculty Advisors: Daria Mochly-Rosen (Chemical & Systems Biology) and KC Huang (Bioengineering, Microbiology & Immunology)
Headshot portrait of Junhong Choi - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

Junhong Choi - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

Bio-X Graduate Student Fellow
Awarded in 2015
Home Department: Applied Physics
Faculty Advisors: Joseph Puglisi (Structural Biology) and Zev Bryant (Bioengineering)
Headshot portrait of Matthew Bull - Bio-X Honorary Fellow

Matthew Bull - Bio-X Honorary Fellow

Bio-X Graduate Student Fellow
Awarded in 2015
Home Department: Applied Physics
Faculty Advisors: Manu Prakash (Bioengineering), Jan Skotheim (Biology), and Tim Stearns (Biology)
