Promising PhD students nominate themselves for awards that allow them to work on projects that they have a passion for pursuing and which bridge the gap between biology and other fields.  Explore our annual Fellows Symposiums and learn about the Fellowship program!

Search Stanford Bio-X Fellows View the 2023 Fellowship Brochure

Headshot portrait of Noureddine Tayebi - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

Noureddine Tayebi - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

Bio-X Graduate Student Fellow
Awarded in 2009
Home Department: Electrical Engineering
Faculty Advisors: Nicholas Melosh (Materials Science & Engineering) and Ricardo Dolmetsch (Neurobiology)
Headshot portrait of Li Ma - Larry Yung Fellow

Li Ma - Larry Yung Fellow

Bio-X SIGF Graduate Student Fellow
Awarded in 2009
Home Department: Statistics
Faculty Advisor: Wing Wong (Statistics)
Headshot portrait of Sanaz Saatchi - Bio-X Amgen Fellow

Sanaz Saatchi - Bio-X Amgen Fellow

Bio-X Graduate Student Fellow
Awarded in 2009
Home Department: Bioengineering
Faculty Advisors: Charles Taylor (Bioengineering) and Paul Yock (Bioengineering)
Headshot portrait of Shawn Ouyang - Affymetrix Bio-X Fellow

Shawn Ouyang - Affymetrix Bio-X Fellow

Bio-X SIGF Graduate Student Fellow
Awarded in 2009
Home Department: Chemical & Systems Biology
Faculty Advisors: James Chen (Chemical & Systems Biology) and Michael Longaker (Surgery)
Headshot portrait of Peter Olcott - Presidential Fellow

Peter Olcott - Presidential Fellow

Bio-X SIGF Graduate Student Fellow
Awarded in 2009
Home Department: Bioengineering
Faculty Advisors: Craig Levin (Radiology) and Jim Harris (Electrical Engineering)
Headshot portrait of Alia Schoen - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

Alia Schoen - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

Bio-X Graduate Student Fellow
Awarded in 2009
Home Department: Materials Science & Engineering
Faculty Advisors: Sarah Heilshorn (Materials Science & Engineering), Nicholas Melosh (Materials Science & Engineering), Andrew Spakowitz (Chemical Engineering), and Sebastian Doniach (Applied Physics)
Headshot portrait of Elsa Birch - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

Elsa Birch - Bio-X Bowes Fellow

Bio-X Graduate Student Fellow
Awarded in 2009
Home Department: Chemical Engineering
Faculty Advisors: Markus Covert (Bioengineering) and Alfred Spormann (Chemical Engineering)
