Stanford Bio-X Seminar: Juergen Plitzko - "Towards a biopsy at the nanoscale: Novel approaches and recent advances in cryo-electron tomography"

Stanford Bio-X Seminar

Juergen Plitzko, Project Group Leader, Molecular Structural Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry

Hosted by: Dr. Georgios Skiniotis, Professor of Molecular & Cellular Physiology, Structural Biology, and Photon Science, Stanford University

In this lecture, we will present our recent work in the field of cryo-ET and in situ structural biology, highlighting technological developments and their potential, and offering a perspective to obtain "anatomical" details at the molecular level from larger cells or tissues - towards a biopsy at the nanoscale.

September 12, 2019
Clark Center Auditorium
James H. Clark Center 318 Campus Drive West, Stanford, CA 94305
Learn more about Stanford Bio-X Seminar: Juergen Plitzko - "Towards a biopsy at the nanoscale: Novel approaches and recent advances in cryo-electron tomography"

Frontiers in Quantitative Biology Seminar

Frontiers in Quantitative Biology Seminar


Work in the Green lab is centered on the ribosome, and can be roughly divided into four general project areas. The longest-standing research area concerns the interactions of eubacterial ribosomes and release factors. The goal of these projects is to understand the mechanism of action of release factors on the ribosome.

May 30, 2019
Munzer Auditorium
Beckman Center, 279 Campus Drive West, Stanford, CA 94305
Learn more about Frontiers in Quantitative Biology Seminar

Frontiers in Quantitative Biology Seminar

Frontiers in Quantitative Biology Seminar


The François lab is interested in the theoretical aspects of evolution, real and simulated. They have developed tools to evolve models of "gene networks" in silico, performing predefined biological functions. They have applied and predicted structure of networks for systems ranging from genetic oscillators, biochemical adaptation to development and immune system.

May 02, 2019
Munzer Auditorium
Beckman Center, 279 Campus Drive West, Stanford, CA 94305
Learn more about Frontiers in Quantitative Biology Seminar

Frontiers in Quantitative Biology Seminar

Frontiers in Quantitative Biology Seminar


The Horne-Badovinac lab uses genetic, cell biological and quantitative live imaging approaches to investigate how organs take on their unique shapes during development. Currently, they seek to understand how collective cell migration and basement membrane remodeling shape the fly egg.

April 25, 2019
Munzer Auditorium
Beckman Center, 279 Campus Drive West, Stanford, CA 94305
Learn more about Frontiers in Quantitative Biology Seminar
