USRP Talks - July 15, 2020
USRP Talks - July 8, 2020
Additional 2020 USRP Talks
USRP Talks - July 1, 2020
USRP Talks - June 24, 2020
Stanford Bio-X Seminar: David Veesler - "Structural studies of coronavirus fusion glycoproteins"
Stanford Bio-X Seminar
David Veesler, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, University of Washington
Coronavirus spike (S) glycoprotein trimers promote entry into cells and are the main targets of the humoral immune response. We demonstrated that ACE2 is a functional entry receptor for this novel coronavirus and that the receptorbinding domains of SARS-CoV-2 S and SARS-CoV S bind with similar affinities to ACE2, which correlates with the efficient spread of SARS-CoV-2 among humans.
Stanford Bio-X Frontiers in Interdisciplinary Biosciences Pre-Seminar - VIA ZOOM
Stanford Bio-X Frontiers in Interdisciplinary Biosciences Pre-Seminar - "Bio-X: A Historical Perspective"
Virtually atend Dr. Robertson's pre-seminar presentation to learn more about the history of Stanford Bio-X.
CANCELED - Frontiers in Quantitative Biology Seminar
Frontiers in Quantitative Biology Seminar
The Extavour Lab is a collection of developmental biologists, molecular biologists, geneticists, cell biologists, zoologists, and evolutionary biologists. Their shared interest is in the evolution of the genetic mechanisms employed during early animal embryogenesis to specify cell fate, development and differentiation. They focus primarily on the evolution and development of reproductive systems, including both the germ line and the somatic components of the gonad.
CANCELED - Frontiers in Quantitative Biology Seminar
Frontiers in Quantitative Biology Seminar
The Rabinowitz Lab aims to achieve a quantitative, comprehensive understanding of cellular metabolism. Their motivation for studying metabolism is two-fold. From a basic science perspective, the molecular connections involved in metabolism are the best understood of any major biochemical network. Accordingly, metabolism provides a unique opportunity for quantitative analysis. From a practical perspective, derangements of metabolism are a major cause of disease, and small molecules that inhibit metabolism are the basis of many important pharmaceuticals. Accordingly, systems-level analysis of metabolism is likely to yield discoveries of medical significance.